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Proudly Serving Ann Arbor & Surrounding Areas Since 1977
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Maintain Your Carpets Correctly with the Help of Professional Carpet Cleaners in Ann Arbor MI

Wolverine is a team of professional carpet cleaners. As reputable cleaners in the area, they often hear many myths and old wives’ tales about cleaning tips.

Many people are simply too willing to listen to any trick when it comes to carpet cleaning and the ultimate preservation of their carpets. Whereas the advice dispensed from family and friends are certainly well intentioned, it can be dangerous to simply believe and practice these tips.

carpet cleaning

The best way to ensure that your carpets receive the best possible care will be to enlist the services of a carpet cleaner. However carpet cleaning services are very regular and you may want to upkeep the maintenance of your carpets between the intervals of visits from carpet cleaning companies. In this case, read on.

Here are some tips to help you keep your carpets spotless:

Do not rely solely on vacuuming

Most professional carpet cleaning companies will concur that merely vacuuming alone will not keep your carpets as clean as they could and should be

Stay away from carpet shampoos

Many homeowners believe that in addition to vacuuming, using carpet cleaning shampoo will effectively help maintain clean carpets. However carpet shampoos create a soapy layer which actually attracts dirt and grime than a non-shampooed carpet.

Steam cleaning for fresher carpets: Steam cleaning is one of the most effective carpet cleaning techniques available today. It will remove dirt from the carpet and leave your carpets fresh and clean. Rather let an experienced carpet cleaner take care of steam cleaning for you.

Carpet cleaners are your safest option

Wolverine uses advanced carpet cleaning technologies to deliver their high standards and customer satisfaction. Their commitment to customer service and professional and reliable service have contributed to making them one of the most respected carpet cleaners in the area.

Their natural cleaning process minimizes the drying time and reduces the possibility of mold, mildew and bacteria growth. If you’re looking for experienced cleaners who will give you the advice and services you need, partner with Wolverine.

We have years of experience in the industry and can help you with any type of cleaning – whether you have commercial carpets or delicate Oriental rugs. Contact Wolverine to find out more about carpet cleaners. (734) 973-2222